
Mongolian Ger Retrofit Kit
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia has the worst air quality of any capital city in the world. Teams at BYU have been working on insulation kits to help reduce the reliance on coal-burning stoves and improve air quality.

La Sal Peak
The La Sal Peak was Fezzari Bicycles’ biggest bike launch up to that point. My work on the project spanned from the very beginning. During the development, I helped refine the overall concept with the rest of the product team and provided input on the visual aesthetic of the bike. In initial production, I created tests to verify quality control from the factory. My biggest contribution was with the launch strategy of the bike. I helped create the video and photo elements for the launch and worked with industry media to coordinate reviews and press releases.

Wheelchair Hand-Cycle Attachment
Part of my work as adjunct faculty was working with this team to create a hand-cycle attachment that would interface with an existing wheelchair. This was to help people in low resource settings to be able to travel longer distances than they would be able to with a wheelchair alone.

Open-Source Adult Sized Bike Trailer and Jogging Stroller
This was the first team I worked with during my time teaching product development. They were tasked with creating a bike trailer and jogging stroller for adults with disabilities. Current options that are available to buy cost thousands of dollars. The goal was to create a design that people could make at home, while following the plans they create.

Capture Beyond Limits
I cofounded the company Capture Beyond Limits, where we designed and built the world’s most lightweight motorized camera slider for capturing time lapses.

High-Speed Scientific Photography
My role was to design photography setups to capture droplet behavior. Our photos won multiple awards.